The society of faces: faceless women as an indication of a new form of social integration
Sociology of the image, Muslim women, Social networks, HumanityAbstract
This paper tries to discover how the growing importance of the human image “gradually individualized” incorporates and witnesses the new forms of organization and social integration in the 21st century. Time in which the face is consolidated as image of humanity. Its opposite is assumedfor this reflection: the absence of a face. The drama of the Pakistani women who suffered the disfigurement of their face through acid thrown by their peers – a cultural practice that is compounded from the year 1999. I am interested in discussing about the impact, the debate and the solidarity that the unpleasant image has been awakened in the Brazilian social networking. I
want to understand how the violence against the most visible expression of the social identity promotes a commotion beyond ethnic, racial and cultural borders, introducing the idea of humanity.
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