Towards a new meaning of the future: social change, youths and time
Future, Second modernity, Youths, Biographies, UncertaintyAbstract
If, on the one hand, the 'first modernity' built the meaning of the future as a time for experimentation, on the other hand, the "second modernity" sees it as an uncertain dimension, as a potential limit more than a source of resources. This new semantic format also configures, in a profound manner, the ways and forms with which juvenile biographies are defined. While a "life project" constitutes less and less of the principle that can structure biographies in an ever 'presentified' period as that of contemporaneity, new modalities of relationship with the future (and with time) are drawn up. These forms of temporalization, particularly visible in the construction of juvenile biographies, however, do not imply the pure and simple loss of a future and the renunciation of the project as such. As recent researches show, it is quite the opposite, at least, a part of the juvenile world appears to be actively involved in the construction of means of mediation between the need for a subjective control over future time and the present highly risky and uncertain social environment.Downloads
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