Uses and limits of the rational choice theory of religion


  • Ricardo Mariano Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico



Rationality, Religious Economies, Market, Pluralism, Strictness


This aim of this article is to present and analyze the main theoretical conceptions proposed by Rodney Stark, Roger Finke and Laurence Iannaccone, formulators of the rational choice theory of religion. Without aiming to be exhaustive, it focuses on their theory's innovations and limitations and the theoretical debate provoked in its wake, examining the notions of rationality, state deregulation of religion, monopoly, pluralism, competition, market, supply, demand and 'strictness.'


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Dossiê - Sociologia da Religião

How to Cite

Mariano, R. (2008). Uses and limits of the rational choice theory of religion . Tempo Social, 20(2), 41-66.