The economy between crises: political economy and finance at the University of Buenos Aires (1870-1900)


  • Mariano Ben Plotkin Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero. IDES/Conicet
  • Jimena Caravaca Universidad de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Educação e Saúde



Teaching of political economy in Argentina, Faculty of Law, French liberalism, International circulation of ideas


This article analyzes the inaugural period of teaching economics in Argentina, examining material linked to the chairs of political economy and finance created around the time of the institution of the legal career at the University of Buenos Aires. The time period under study is defined by the economic crises of 1873-1875 and 1890, since these critical phases are generally held to be responsible for creating the demand for specialized knowledge, which in turn contributed to the institutionalization and legitimization of these specialities. Analyzing the type of economics taught at the Faculty leads into a study of how works produced in other national contexts were absorbed and deployed in Argentina as legitimizing points of reference. The text argues that although economic liberalism was widely accepted as a model in Argentina at the end of the 19th century, the reception of the period's canonical works - especially those produced by the French liberal school - was a creative process that served to validate opinions frequently very different from those maintained by the French authors themselves.


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Dossiê Argentina: Cultura e Política

How to Cite

Plotkin, M. B., & Caravaca, J. (2009). The economy between crises: political economy and finance at the University of Buenos Aires (1870-1900) . Tempo Social, 21(2), 87-108.