The image in postmodern culture


  • João Valente Aguiar Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia



Image, Post-modernism, Culture, Flexible accumulation, Dematerialization


In this paper, our main goal is to offer some relevant clues as to the framing of images in the cultural logic of post-modernism. At the same time, we will give space to a brief description of the relation between post-modernism and flexible accumulation, the generative substratum from which our subject derives. Along with this, we conceptualize theses on imagetic transmutation, the primacy of the image and the effect of dematerialization induced by the image in the perception of social relations. In this way, a conceptual chain is constituted with the purpose of connecting only apparently fragmented phenomena and social processes such as the productive basis of contemporary capitalism, its cultural reality and the place of the image in all that wide framing.


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How to Cite

Aguiar, J. V. (2010). The image in postmodern culture . Tempo Social, 22(1), 179-198.