“Get Out of Brazil Now”: brazilian emigration as anticipatory action
Brazilians in Vancouver, International migration, Middle-class(es), Anticipatory actionAbstract
In recent years, the number of Brazilians leaving the country has reached record levels, suggesting a new and unprecedented phase of emigration. In contrast to earlier periods of emigration from Brazil, this recent phase is primarily comprised of Brazilians who have left with their families with the intention of never returning to Brazil as residents. This article analyses this new movement through an ethnography of Brazilians living in Greater Vancouver, Canada, a region in which the Brazilian population quadrupled between 2006 and 2016. We argue that this migratory movement is a response to generalized and diffuse feelings of apprehension and of fear of the future in Brazil, that diverge from the relatively comfortable standard of living and privileged position of those leaving Brazil. As a result, emigration emerges as a form of anticipatory action motivated by what we call “middle-class malaise.”
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