Social inequalities, interdependencies and Afro-descendants in Latin America
Social inequalities, Global interdependencies, Afro-descendentsAbstract
Social inequalities have conventionally been investigated as synchronous processes occurring within the contours of national borders and connected to the concept of class. As a consequence established scholarship, especially in Latin America, has given little attention to the historical dimensions and global entanglements between class and other social classifications that have shaped existing inequalities. A number of recent contributions have attempted to correct these analytical shortfalls from a variety of perspectives. In order to overcome methodological nationalism, a first group of contributions has focused on the interconnections between national and global structures of inequality, showing how inequalities correspond to entanglements between social processes at different geographical levels: local, national, global. A second group of contributions has investigated the relationship between different axes of stratification, focusing on how social inequalities emerge at the intersections between different social ascriptions, particularly those of race, class, gender and ethnicity. This paper presents a brief survey of the debates in both fields as well as a set of resources for overcoming the current deficits in the research on interdependent inequalities. In order to illustrate how some of these resources operate analytically, the second half of the paper discusses the case of social inequalities affecting Afro-descendants in Latin America.Downloads
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