Foucault e Hidegger. The ethics and the historical forms of the inhabiting (and of the not inhabiting)


  • Luís Claudio Figueiredo Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Psicologia



Foucault, Heidegger, Ethics, Modes of subjectivation, Esthetic of existence


Based on an interview given by Foucault where he acknowledges the work of Heidegger and Nietzsche as the two main pillars  of his own thought, the essays explores one way of approximating Heidegger  and Foucault: the understanding of ethics as dwelling and inhabitation. The renewal of thought on ethics which takes place in the latest works by Foucault, through a sharp separation between ethics and moral philosophy and through an analysis of ethics as procedures and techniques of subjectivation  - as technologies of self - are being here analysed from the point of view of ethics as dwelling and inhabitation. Finally, Foucault´s last message is here recuperated and discussed.


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Author Biography

  • Luís Claudio Figueiredo, Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Psicologia

    Professor do Departamento de Psicologia Experimental do Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de São Paulo.


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Foucault - um pensamento desconcertante

How to Cite

Figueiredo, L. C. (1995). Foucault e Hidegger. The ethics and the historical forms of the inhabiting (and of the not inhabiting). Tempo Social, 7(1/2), 136-149.