Capital and organization in technobureaucratic capitalism
This paper discusses the mixt social formation " technobureaucratic capitalism " which resulted from the emergence of the technobureaucratic class and the resilience of capitalism. This emergence takes place with the Second Industrial Revolution and the consequent organizational revolution " the change of the basic unit of production from the family firm to the business organizations. The paper focus in two aspects of this historical process: the definition of the "organization" as the name of the new relation of production, and the change in the definitions of capital that goes together with the fact that, today, in technobureaucratic capitalist societies, capitalists and technobureaucrats share power and privilege. The paper ends with a caveat: there is no tendency to the domination either of the logic of capitalists (the capital), or of the technobureaucrats (the organization), because there is a third logic in contemporary societies: the logic of the popular classes " the logic of democracy.Downloads
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