Lulism and the Institutionalization of Social Movements in Brazil: Strengthening Democratic Inclusion and Perpetuating Hegemony
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Institutionalization of social movements, Social movements, Lulism, Hegemony, Democratic governanceResumen
This paper assesses the democratizing potential of the institutionalization of social movements in Brazil under the Lula Government, in order to evaluate their impact on political hegemony and social inclusion when they establish close links with the state apparatus. We focus on rural movements and the Sustainable Development Program of Rural Territories (Pronat), and show that the institutionalization of a significant part of the rural movement was part of the
phenomenon known as Lulism, a social class alliance in which social movements had a prominent role that enabled the Lula government to consolidate its hold on power. We argue that social movements have not only successfully converted their demands into public policies and strengthened political participation, but also perpetuated class hegemony and legitimated the authority of the government
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