Presentation to the Dossier: political repertoires in transnational labor struggles and new forms of global labor governance
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Transnational labor struggles, World of work, Global labor governance, Sociolaboral regulationResumen
Despite the concerns about wages and the increase in the quality of life of the working class
having acquired a historical centrality in the struggle repertoires designed at national level, the
ambition of internationalist solidarity and the emancipation of the forms of collective organization of workers has always been an end in yourself. In the light of current times, it is an ambition
that can be witnessed in the way that the trends of globalization and contemporary neoliberalism
demand adequate and organized responses, sharing experiences, contributions to new forms
of global governance, more just and dignified. And also new learning outcomes for the classic
protagonists of the world of work. By gathering contributions from international experts on the
world of work, from different national contexts and disciplinary affiliations, this dossier fulfills
this purpose of critical debate, supported by concrete experiences. Here the reader can find
contributions on regional solidarity and union networks, political regulation processes, global
economic planning, climate transition, forms of transnational labor organization, informal work,
North and South relations, work in the platform economy or digital communication processes.
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Derechos de autor 2021 Leonardo Mello e Silva; Elísio Estanque; Hermes Augusto Costa

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