Observing observers in social systems theory.: an interview with Hans-Georg Moeller
https://doi.org/10.11606/0103-2070.ts.2021.182052Mots-clés :
Social theory, Social systems theory, Radical constructivism, Second-order observationRésumé
This text presents an interview with Hans-Georg Moeller, a renowned researcher in the field of social systems theory. During the conversation, he points out some of the main aspects of the epistemological ruptures brought about to social theory by Niklas Luhmann's radical constructivist approach. One of the phenomena that this theory helps to detect is the turning of contemporary society to second-order observation: each social system and even the social representation of each person are built by instances of observation of observations, such as rankings and profiles. This is a new way of producing communication, the basic element of society.
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(c) Copyright Laurindo Minhoto, Lucas Fucci Amato, Marco Antonio Loschiavo Leme de Barros 2021

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