Call for paper – ABEI Journal General Issue 26.1


The Brazilian Journal of Irish Studies invites submissions for its 2024 General Issue. The ABEI Journal is peer-reviewed and committed to establishing a dialogue between Brazil and Ireland. It is aimed at scholars, independent researchers and postgraduate students in Irish studies.

Deadline: Articles and reviews that are sent until 30 April will be published in the general issue of July 2024.


The ABEI Journal is peer-reviewed and committed to establishing a dialogue between Brazil and Ireland. It is aimed at scholars, independent researchers, and postgraduate students in Irish studies. The ABEI Journal is indexed by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Maryland, USA and Modern Language Association (MLA), EBSCO, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Diretório de Políticas Editoriais das revistas científicas brasileiras (Diadorim), Latindex and Google Scholar. It is published twice a year – a general issue and a special issue with guest editors – and co-edited with the support of the University of São Paulo and the ESP Programme ( Embassy of Ireland in Brazil). 

Text must be sent/uploaded on the journal online platform:

For informal inquiries, please contact us at

For more information about the previous issues of the ABEI Journal, please visit