Perceptions of Contemporary Ireland in the Poetry of Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin


  • Luci Collin Lavalle Federal University of Paraná



Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, language, identity, history, topographical, domestic space


Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin (Cork, 1942) has published various collections of poetry and presently holds a solid position among the most distinguished
Irish poets. The paper discusses the work of Ní Chuillenáin aiming at identifying aspects and references of contemporary Ireland in her poems. The main concern of the research is to analyze how Ní Chuilleanáin deals with some thematic elements such as language, identity, history, topographical and domestic space, politics and religion, rendering to the reader a special depiction of contemporary life in Ireland.

Author Biography

  • Luci Collin Lavalle, Federal University of Paraná

    LAVALLE, Luci Collin teaches Literatures in English and Literary Translation at the Federal University of Paraná and, presently, is engaged in post-doctoral studies at the
    University of São Paulo. As a writer she has published eleven books (poetry and fiction) and has participated in many international anthologies (USA, Germany, Argentina, Peru,
    Uruguay). As a translator she has published Re-habitar - Ensaios e poemas, by Gary Snyder (Azougue, 2005), Etnopoesia no Milênio, by Jerome Rothenberg (Azougue,
    2006), Contos Irlandeses do Início do Século XX (Travessa dos Editores, 2007) and Congo Negro, by Vachel Lindsey (Éblis, 2009).




How to Cite

Lavalle, L. C. (2009). Perceptions of Contemporary Ireland in the Poetry of Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin. ABEI Journal, 11, 147-163.