

  • Celia De Fréine
  • Marina Bertani Gazola
  • Yolanda López López



English version of “Ceart Duchais” by Celia de Fréine.  Written for “Eavan Boland — In Her Many Images”, ABEI Journal 23.2 (2021).

Author Biographies

  • Celia De Fréine

    Celia De Fréine writes in many genres in both Irish and English. Awards for her poetry include the Patrick Kavanagh Award and Gradam Litríochta Chló Iar-Chonnacht. To date she has published nine collections. Her plays and film and television scripts have won numerous awards. Ceannródaí (LeabhairCOMHAR, 2018) her biography of Louise Gavan Duffy won ACIS Duais Leabhar Taighde na Bliana (2019) and was shortlisted for the Irish Book Awards (2018) and Gradam Uí Shuilleabháin (2019). Cur i gCéill, her first thriller, published by LeabhairCOMHAR in 2019, was shortlisted for the Irish Book Awards (2020). An Dara Rogha, a young adult novel, was published in 2021 by LeabhairCOMHAR.

  • Marina Bertani Gazola

    Marina Bertani Gazola has a Master degree in Letters from the Federal University of Parana. She is a translator and works as a researcher for the project “Culture and arts in the southern  region of Rio: memory & history”, funded by FAPERJ. She has published translations of contemporary American and Irish poets and her academic interests are Irish Studies, Translation Studies and Teaching.

  • Yolanda López López

    Yolanda López López is a poet, artist and Galician translator who was born in Ourense. She got an English Degree at Santiago de Compostela University, a Senior Technician one in Tourism and Commerce and a certificate in Arts and Painting. She was also a member of some predoctoral research projects about Northern American literature (Virginia University, Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Centro Ramón Piñeiro, Universidad Complutense de Madrid). She took part in several painting exhibitions in A Coruña. She is the authorof five poetry books in Galician language: Verdugos impolutos (Concello de Rábade, 2005), Obertura sen heroe (Follas Novas, 2006), Moralla (Follas Novas, 2013), Tántalo (Concello de Negreira, 2014), A secuestradora de océanos (Urutau Editora, 2019) and four poetry books in Spanish: Grietas (Visión Libros, 2012), Temblor fiero (Lastura, 2013), Con el tambor del viento (Huerga & Fierro, 2015) and Madrid habita en mi memoria (La palabra inquieta, Nuevos Ekkos, 2020). Rinoceronte House will publish a collection of Emily Brontë’s poems translated by her. 




How to Cite

Fréine, C. D. (2021). Birthright (M. B. Gazola & Y. L. López , Trans.). ABEI Journal, 23(2), 216-223.