Malinski: Fictional Narrative Between Affiliative Postmemory and the Effacement of the Holocaust


  • Eda Nagayama University of São Paulo



This article proposes a fictional narrative as a postmemory representation as a conjunction of imaginary, appropriation of a position of alterity and the repertoire of Holocaust as a global reference event. Malinski (2000), by the Irish Síofra O'Donovan, will be seen as an articulation between resonance and effacement of the Holocaust. Albeit unintentionally, the novel may also support the historical revision that takes place contemporarily in Poland which intends to assure Poles strictly as Holocaust victims and impotent bystanders denying any effective participation in the genocide.

Keywords: Postmemory; holocaust; affiliative postmemory; Irish literature; bystanding.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Eda Nagayama, University of São Paulo

    Eda Nagayama is a writer and a PhD candidate at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and the recipient of CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation) research grant. She holds a bachelor degree in Theater and a masters in Cinema Studies from the same university. Her current research is focused on literary narratives on postmemory and migration. Her most recent book Desgarrados (Cosac Naify, 2015, Sesi Ed., 2018) was shortlisted for São Paulo Literature Award.




Cómo citar

Nagayama, E. (2018). Malinski: Fictional Narrative Between Affiliative Postmemory and the Effacement of the Holocaust. ABEI Journal, 20(1), 81-91.