

  • Grace Wells
  • Marilar Aleixandre



“Pantheon” by Grace Wells. Written for “Eavan Boland — In Her Many Images”, ABEI Journal 23.2 (2021).

Biografía del autor/a

  • Grace Wells

    Grace Wells was born in London in 1968, and moved to rural Tipperary in 1991. Nature, spirit of place and ecological concern have been large themes in her writing ever since the publication of her debut children’s novel Gyrfalcon (O’Brien Press, 2002), which won the Eilís Dillon Best Newcomer Award and was an International White Ravens Choice. Her debut poetry collection When God has been Called Away to Greater Things (Dedalus Press, 2010), won the Rupert and Eithne Strong Best First Collection Award, and was shortlisted for the London Festival Fringe New Poetry Award. With her second poetry collection Fur (Dedalus Press, 2015), Wells moved more deeply into eco-poetics and eco-feminism. In 2018 Grace Wells moved to County Clare, which has informed her new work with a coastal, marine light. Many poems for her latest book, The Church of the Love of the World (May 2022) are accompanied by eco-poetry-films to be found on her website

  • Marilar Aleixandre

    Marilar Aleixandre (María Pilar Jiménez Aleixandre) has a forked tongue, split between literature and research on argumentation and critical thinking; both are feminist. She has authored poetry, full of wild thicket (Desmentindo a primavera, Abecedario de árbores, or Desescribindo), and rebellious animals (Ovella descarreirada), which has received awards as the Esquío to Catálogo de velenos, and the Caixanova-PEN 2007 to Mudanzas, a feminist rewriting of the Metamorphoses, reprinted in Mudanzas e outros velenos (Shiftings and other poisons, Galaxia, 2017). Her poetry is translated in several collections. Her fiction has been extensively awarded: the Blanco Amor to As malas mulleres (Galaxia, 2021); the Álvaro Cunqueiro to A Compañía clandestina de contrapublicidade, or the Xerais to Teoría do caos; short stories collection, as Lobos nas illas (in Spanish Lobos en las islas, 2022; Arde) about complex family relationships, and O coitelo en novembro: beware of novelists, you never know who is the author, who the character. She is also author of young adult fiction about conflicts: A expedición do Pacífico (Galician Critics Award 1995), A cabeza de Medusa (in English Head of Medusa, Small Stations Press, 2019), about the social rape after the physical one awarded the Caixa Galicia and White Ravens, or the Raíña Lupa to A filla do minotauro (2018). Since 2017 she is a member of the Real Academia Galega. twitter @MarilarAleix; www.marilar.galx




Cómo citar

Wells, G. (2021). Pantheon (M. Aleixandre , Trans.). ABEI Journal, 23(2), 244-247.