Murray, Tony. London Irish Fictions: Narrative, Diaspora and Identity


  • Whitney Standlee



Murray, Tony. London Irish Fictions: Narrative, Diaspora and Identity. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2012.


  • Whitney Standlee
    Whitney Standlee completed her doctorate on the writing of diasporic Irish women in Britain 1890-1916 at the University of Liverpool’s Institute for Irish Studies. She has published articles and chapters on the politics of Irish women’s writing of the fin de siècle and Katharine Tynan’s London Irish writing. Her essay on George Egerton, James Joyce and the Irish künstlerroman, which appeared in Irish Studies Review, was awarded the British Association of Irish Studies postgraduate essay prize for 2010. She currently lectures at the University of Worcester and is acting as co-editor of a volume of essays entitled Advancing the Cause of Liberty: Irish Women’s Writing 1878-1922.






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