Éilís Ní Dhuibhne (ed.). Look! It’s a Woman Writer!
Éilís Ní Dhuibhne (ed.). Look! It’s a Woman Writer! Dublin: Arlen House, 2021. pp. 349. ISBN: 9781851322510.
Riferimenti bibliografici
Ní Dhuibhne, Éilís. Little Red and Other Stories. Blackstaff Press, 2020.
---. Look! It’s a Woman Writer. Éilís, Ní Dhuibhne, Arlen House, 2021.
---. Northern Lights: Following Folklore in North-Western Europe: Aistí in Adhnó Do Bho Almqvist. Essays in Honour of Bo Almqvist. University College Dublin Press, 2001.
---. Viking Ale: Studies in Folklore Contacts between the Northern and Western Worlds by Bo Almqvist. Boethius Press, 1991.
---. Voices on the Wind: Women Poets of the Celtic Twilight. New Island Books, 1995.
Dhuibhne, Éilís Ní and James Quin. WB Yeats: Works and Days. A Book to Accompany the Yeats Exhibition at the National Library. National Library of Ireland, 2006.
McPhee, Grace. Dhuibhne Discusses Feminism, Irish Identity At Book Launch. 1 Nov. 2020, https://www.bcheights.com/2020/11/01/dhuibhne-book-launch-interview/.
Nogueira, María Xesús, et al. Creation, Publishing and Criticism. The Advance of Women’s Writing. Peter Lang, 2010.
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