Women in Irish Theatre: the Charabanc Theatre Company and Marie Jones


  • Beatriz Kopschitz Xavier Bastos




Marie Jones, Charabanc Theatre Company, Irish theatre.


If women appear to have contributed relatively little to the theatrical
scene in Ireland in the first half of the twentieth century, the same cannot be said about women in the Irish theatre after 1950. Increasing modernization, liberalization and decentralization of Irish society, and of the theatre industry, provided the opportunities for women’s voices to be included, not only in writing but also in producing and directing plays – that is to say, to play a role in Irish theatre’s social history. This paper focuses mainly on the work of the Charabanc Theatre Company, an all-female group founded in Belfast in 1983, and on the work of its former leading figure and writer, Marie Jones. Their work made a remarkable contribution to revitalizing the energy of Irish theatre in the closing decades of the twentieth century, leaving a significant legacy for national and international drama in the twenty-first century.

Biografia do Autor

  • Beatriz Kopschitz Xavier Bastos

    BASTOS, BEATRIZ KOPSCHITZ has an M.A. in English from Northwestern University, a PhD in Irish Studies from the University of São Paulo and has recently concluded a Post-Doctoral research stage at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina and a Visiting Scholar research stage at Trinity College Dublin. She has published articles on Irish Literature and Drama, particularly on Denis Johnston’s work. She taught at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora and is currently teaching in the lato sensu graduate program at the University of São Paulo. She is also the Secretary of ABEI and the representative for Brazil in the IASIL Bibliography Committee.







Como Citar

Bastos, B. K. X. (2007). Women in Irish Theatre: the Charabanc Theatre Company and Marie Jones. ABEI Journal, 9, 79-84. https://doi.org/10.37389/abei.v9i0.3693