Metaphor as Metalanguage in Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin’s “The Horses of Meaning”


  • Sigrid Renaux



Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Metaphor, Metalanguage.


Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin’s innate concern with poetic language per se, as a poet, translator, and scholar, is evident in many of her poems, such as “Early Recollections”, “Studying the Language”, “Translation”, “The Horses of Meaning”, and “Gloss/Clós/Glas”, among others. For this reason, this article investigates, from the perspective of Jakobson’s
theoretical considerations in “Linguistics and Poetics”, Chuilleanáin’s
handling of poetic language specifically in “The Horses of Meaning”
(Selected Poems, 2009), in order to evaluate not only how the interaction among the different functions of language becomes concretized in the verbal structure of the poem, but also how the use of metaphor and metalanguage – conveyed by the title and developed throughout the poem – will further emphasize the predominance of the poetic upon the metalingual, referential, emotive, and conative functions. In this way, “The Horses of Meaning”, besides being a “visual and auditory experience”, becomes paradigmatic of Jakobson’s statement that “the poetic function is not the sole function of verbal art but only its dominant, determining function”.

Biografia do Autor

  • Sigrid Renaux
    Sigrid RENAUX (retired) is Full Professor of Literatures in English from the Department of Modern Foreign Languages, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil. She is currently teaching in the M.A.Course of Literary Theory, UNIANDRADE, Curitiba. Her M.A. in Anglo-American Studies and Ph.D. in English Language, English and American Literature are from the University of São Paulo. She was awarded a Fulbright/CAPES Scholarship in 1984 to develop her post-doctoral studies at the University of Chicago. She also received two British Council scholarships (1981 and 1986) and a Faculty Enrichment Program Award (Canada, 1994). Publications include: The Turn of the Screw: a semiotic reading (New York: Peter Lang, 1993); A Volta do Parafuso: uma leitura semiótica do conto de Henry James (Curitiba: Editora da UFPR, 1992); four books of poetry; translations; articles and essays in Literary Criticism in chapters of books, national and international literary magazines, and in proceedings of conferences in Brazil and abroad.







Como Citar

Renaux, S. (2011). Metaphor as Metalanguage in Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin’s “The Horses of Meaning”. ABEI Journal, 13, 157-166.