

  • Theo Dorgan
  • Samuel Delgado Pinheiro



“Revenant” by Theo Dorgan, traduzido por Samuel Delgado Pinheiro, Escrito para “Eavan Boland — In Her Many Images”, ABEI Journal 23.2 (2021).

Biografia do Autor

  • Theo Dorgan

    Theo Dorgan was born in Cork in 1953 and lives in Dublin. He is a poet, novelist, prose writer, documentary screenwriter, editor, translator and broadcaster. His poetry collections include The Ordinary House of Love (Salmon Poetry 1991); Rosa Mundi (Salmon Poetry 1995); and Sappho’s Daughter (Wave Train Press 1998). Days Like These (with Tony Curtis and Paula Meehan) was published in 2007 by Brooding Heron Press, Waldron Island WA, in the USA. In 2008 Dedalus Press published What This Earth Cost Us, reprinting Dorgan’s first two collections with some amendments. After Greek (Dedalus Press 2010), his most recent collections are Nine Bright Shiners (Dedalus Press 2014) and Orpheus (Dedalus Press 2018). He has published selected poems in Italian, La Case ai Margini del Mundo, (Faenza, Moby Dick, 1999), and an Italian translation of Greek appeared as Ellenica from Edizioni Colibris, Ferrara, in 2011. From the same publisher came Nove Lucenti Corpi Celesti (2017), a translation of Nine for the Nine Bright ShinersLa Hija de Safo, a Spanish translation of Sappho’s Daughter, was published by Poesía Hiperión, Madrid, in 2001. A combined translation of Orpheus and Greek was published by To Rodakio, Athens, as Ellinika-Orfeas in 2020.  He has published three books by the Syrian poet Maram al Masri in translation: Barefoot Souls (Arc, UK, 2015), Liberty Walks Naked (Southword, Cork, 2017) and The Abduction (Southword, 2020). Bailéid Giofógacha, his translation into Irish Gaelic of Lorca’s Romancero Gitano, was published by Coiscéim, Dublin, in 2020.

  • Samuel Delgado Pinheiro

    Samuel Delgado Pinheiro has a M.A. in Literary Studies from the Federal University of Sao Paulo, he is also Bachelor of Science in Journalism, Licensed in Portuguese and Spanish Studies. With a graduate degree in Literary Theory by the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, he currently develops his PhD in Linguistic and Literary Studies in English at the University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. He is the author of articles and essays on Literature and Poetry that have been published in Brazil and abroad, as well as Album (2019) his first poetry book.




Como Citar

Dorgan, T. (2021). Renascida (S. D. Pinheiro , Trad.). ABEI Journal, 23(2), 210-213.