Quem tem medo de ler o Ulisses de Joyce: Desvendando o labirinto joyceano em “Eumaeus”





Ulisses, James Joyce, Reading, L’Analyse de Contenu


Ler Ulisses, romance de James Joyce publicado pela primeira vez em 1922, pode não ser uma tarefa fácil. No texto, Joyce não aplica à sua narrativa estruturas cronológicas tradicionais. Em vez disso, o leitor é desafiado a mergulhar no fluxo de consciência de seu personagem principal, Leopold Bloom. Isso significa ler por meio de desconexões, pensamentos fragmentados, distrações de Bloom, elementos sinestésicos dentro da narrativa e encontrar uma linguagem repleta de neologismos, alusões, aglutinações, polifonias, entre outras características. No entanto, esse desafio muitas vezes representa uma barreira para muitos que podem se sentir perdidos ou sobrecarregados com essa leitura. No centenário da publicação de Ulisses, este ensaio tem como objetivo desvendar o labirinto joyceano por meio do décimo sexto capítulo do romance, “Eumaeus”. Seguindo a técnica da análise de conteúdo, definida por Lauren Bardin em L’Analyse de Contenu, é possível apresentar uma visão geral do capítulo. A descrição e a interpretação dos principais aspectos do capítulo guiarão a navegação dos leitores pelas virtuosidades literárias, alusões e enigmas do livro.

Biografia do Autor

  • Lara Rebeca da Mata Santa Barbara, Universidade Federal da Bahia

    Is a Master’s student of Modern Literature, Arts and Cultures at the University of Lisbon (ULisboa), and an English teacher. She graduated in Vernacular Linguistics and Literatures and Modern Foreign Languages (English) in 2021 (Federal University of Bahia). Her current research interests are in Irish cultural studies, Irish music and literatures, investigating the representations of nation, and belonging and identity in the contemporary Irish society. She has participated in the UFBA’s Association for Research on Irish Studies (ARIS - UFBA) since 2018 as a volunteer researcher. As part of the group, she has been one of the translators of Jessica Traynor’s Liffey Swim, published as Três Rios (2019), and participated in the organisation of five editions of the Bloomsday academic celebrations at UFBA. She has presented talks on James Joyce’s life and gave readings of his work, such as ‘Fragmentos da vida de Joyce’ in 2018 and ‘Music and Musicality’ in Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man in 2021.

  • Noélia Borges de Araújo, Universidade Federal da Bahia

    Is a Brazilian PhD Professor of the Postgraduate Program on Literature and Culture at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). She has a Master’s degree in English and Corresponding Literatures (Federal University of Santa Catarina, 1999) and a PhD in Linguistic and Literary Studies in English (University of São Paulo, 2003). Her first post-doctoral research took place at the Leeds Metropolitan University (UK) from 2009 to 2010, and the second one at the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Humanities of the University of São Paulo. She retired as a full professor at the Institute of Languages and Literatures (ILUFBA) - English Department at the Federal University of Bahia. She has also coordinated UFBA’s Association for Research on Irish Studies (ARIS-UFBA), concentrating, mainly, on the following topics: Irish literature, culture and identity representations, translation and film adaptations. With ARIS-UFBA, she promotes yearly Bloomsday academic celebrations at UFBA to pay homage to and promote the reading and discussion of Joyce’s Ulysses in Bahia.


Bardin, Laurence. L’Analyse de Contenu. PUF / Quadrige Manuels Edition, 2007.

Joyce, James. Ulysses. Translated by Caetano W. Galindo, Penguin / Companhia das Letras, 2012.

Mitchell, Jane. Run For Your Life. Little Island, 2022.

Wilde, Oscar. “The Critic as Artist.” Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism, edited by Vincent Leitch, Norton, 2001, pp. 900-912.




Como Citar

Barbara, L. R. da M. S., & Araújo, N. B. de. (2023). Quem tem medo de ler o Ulisses de Joyce: Desvendando o labirinto joyceano em “Eumaeus”. ABEI Journal, 25(1), 57-67. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2595-8127.v25i1p57-67