Denis Johnston’s Revisionist Theatre
Denis Johnston’s first and last plays are, in essence, historical plays. The Old Lady Says ‘No!’(1929) portrays the leader of the 1803 Rising, Robert Emmet. The Scythe and The Sunset (1958) is an Easter Rising play. The object of this article is to consider in what ways these plays can be read not only as historical, but, moreover, as revisionist plays.
Библиографические ссылки
Adams, Bernard. Denis Johnston: A Life. Dublin: The Lilliput Press, 2002.
Brady, Ciaran. Interpreting Irish History – The Debate on Historical Revisionism – 1938-1994. Dublin:
Academic Press, 1994.
Brown, Terence. Ireland: A Social and Cultural History – 1922-1979. Glasgow: Fontana, 1981.
Ferrar, Harold. Denis Johnston’s Irish Theatre. Dublin: Dolmen Press, 1973.
Greene, Nicholas. The Politics of Irish Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Johnston, Denis. Nine Rivers from Jordan: The Chronicle of a Journey and a Search. London: Derek
Verschoyle, 1953.
____. The Dramatic Works of Denis Johnston, v. 1. Joseph Ronsley (Ed.). Gerrards Cross: Colin
Smythe, 1977.
____.The Old Lady Says ‘No!’. Christine St. Peter (Ed.). Washington D.C./Gerrards Cross: The
Catholic University of America Press & Colin Smythe, 1992.
Longley, Edna. The Living Stream. Literature and Revisionism in Ireland. Newcastle upon Tyne:
Bloodaxe, 1994.
The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing, v. 3. Ed. Seamus Deane. Derry: Field Day Publications,
Copyright (c) 2003 Beatriz Kopschitz Bastos

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