A Window in South Anne Street, 1983


  • Mary O’Donnell
  • Claudia Castro




“A Window in South Anne Street, 1983” by Mary O’Donnell. Written for “Eavan Boland — In Her Many Images”, ABEI Journal 23.2 (2021).

Биографии авторов

  • Mary O’Donnell

    Mary O’Donnell holds a PhD in Creative Writing from UCC and has taught writing and literature at many institutions, including Carlow University Pittsburgh, Maynooth University, Galway University and the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Prose and poetry writer, her many collections include Unlegendary Heroes (Salmon 1998), Those April Fevers (Ark Publications 2015), Massacre of the Birds (Salmon 2020). A collection of essays on her work came out in 2018, Giving Shape to the Moment: the Art of Mary O’Donnell, Poet, Novelist, Short-story Writer (Peter Lang), edited by Prof. Elena Jaime de Pablos. She has completed a new novel and is a member of Ireland’s affiliation of artists, Aosdana. www.maryodonnell.com 

  • Claudia Castro

    Claudia Castro is the author of three books Adagio para unha viaxe silente (Follas Novas 2005), Ser, corazón e boca (Medulia 2018), Galicia, o país das marabillas, which is her first poetry book for children (Galaxia 2019), and is expecting her fourth book to come out in 2022. Her poetry has been collected in anthologies such as Letras Novas (AELG 2007) and she has collaborated with the musician Fernando Vázquez Arias, who has composed a series of musical pieces for her poems. She has various degrees in Journalism, English Studies and Sociology. ‘Claudia Castro’ is the pen name of Mercedes González.



Как цитировать

O’Donnell, M. (2021). A Window in South Anne Street, 1983 (C. Castro , Trans.). ABEI Journal, 23(2), 238-241. https://doi.org/10.37389/abei.v23i2.197800