Exercício em pacientes oncológicos: reabilitação





Neoplasias, Exercício, Guias de Prática Clínica como Assunto, Reabilitação


Este estudo revisou artigos nas bases de dados do MEDLINE (Pub-Med) e outras fontes de pesquisa, sem limite de tempo. Para tanto, adotou-se a estratégia de busca baseada em perguntas estruturadas na forma (P.I.C.O.) das iniciais: "Paciente"; "Intervençao"; "Controle" e "Outcome". Como descritores utilizaram-se:
(Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumors OR Cancer) AND (Fatigue OR Asthenia OR Lassitude OR Muscle Fatigue OR Fatigue OR Muscles OR specific muscle OR Mental Fatigue OR Fatigue, Mental OR Cancer-related fatigue) AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance); (Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumors OR Cancer) AND (Fatigue OR Asthenia OR Lassitude OR Muscle Fatigue OR Fatigue OR Muscles OR Specific Muscle OR Mental Fatigue OR Fatigue, Mental OR Cancer-related Fatigue) AND (Chemotherapy, Adjuvant OR Combined Modality Therapy OR Drug Therapy,combination OR Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols) AND (Exercise Tolerance OR Oxigen Consumption* OR Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance); (Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumors OR Cancer) AND (Fatigue OR Asthenia OR Lassitude OR Muscle Fatigue OR Fatigue OR Muscles OR specific muscle OR Mental Fatigue OR Fatigue, Mental OR cancer-related fatigue) AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance OR Intensity exercise); (Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumors OR Cancer) AND (Fatigue OR Asthenia OR Lassitude OR Muscle Fatigue OR Cancer-related fatigue) AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance); Neoplasm AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance) AND Quality of Life ; (Bone Neoplasms OR Neoplasms Metastasis) AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance) AND (Fracture Bone OR Fractures, Bone) AND (Exercise OR Physical Therapy) AND Fracture AND Neoplasm; (Bone Neoplasms OR Neoplasms Metastasis) AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance) AND (Fracture Bone OR Fractures, Bone) AND (Exercise OR Physical Therapy) AND Fracture AND Neoplasm; (Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumor OR Cancer) AND (Signs and Symptoms Respiratory OR Dyspnea) AND (Breathing Exercise OR Exercise Therapy); (Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumor OR Cancer) AND (Oxygen Inhalation Therapy OR Positive Pressure Respiration OR PEEP); Neoplasms OR Cancer OR Tumor OR Carcinogens AND Terminally ill OR Terminal Care OR Palliative Care AND Oxygen Inhalation Therapy; Neoplasm AND (Muscle OR Muscle Strength OR Muscle Weakness OR Cachexia) AND (Androgens OR Anabolic Agents OR Nandrolone OR Oxandrolone) AND (Exercise OR Physical Therapy OR Rehabilitation); (Anthracyclines OR Trastuzumab OR Ciclofosfamide) AND (Physical Activity OR Exercise) AND (Cardiotoxicity); Neoplasm AND Thrombocytopenia AND (Exercise OR Rehabilitation OR Physical Therapy). Analisado esse material, selecionou-se os artigos relativos às perguntas e, por meio do estudo dos mesmos, originou-se as evidências que fundamentaram as diretrizes do presente documento.


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Como Citar

Almeida EMP, Andrade RG, Cecatto RB, Brito CMM, Camargo FP de, Pinto CA, et al. Exercício em pacientes oncológicos: reabilitação. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 9º de junho de 2012 [citado 9º de março de 2025];19(2):82-9. Disponível em: https://periodicos.usp.br/actafisiatrica/article/view/103690