Paralisia cerebral - membros superiores: reabilitação
Paralisia Cerebral, Extremidade Superior, Guias de Prática Clínica como Assunto, ReabilitaçãoResumo
Este estudo revisou artigos nas bases de dados do MEDLINE (PubMed) e demais fontes de pesquisa, sem limite de tempo. Para tanto, adotou-se a estratégia de busca baseada em perguntas estruturadas na forma (P.I.C.O.) das iniciais: "Paciente"; "Intervençao"; "Controle" e "Outcome". Com esses descritores efetivaram-se cruzamentos de acordo com o tema proposto em cada tópico das perguntas (P.I.C.O.). Analisado esse material, foram selecionados os artigos relativos às perguntas e, por meio do estudo dos mesmos, estabeleceram-se as evidências que fundamentaram às diretrizes do presente documento.
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Kanellopoulos AD, Mavrogenis AF, Mitsiokapa EA, Panagopoulos D, Skouteli H, Vrettos SG, et al. Long lasting benefits following the combination of static night upper extremity splinting with botulinum toxin A injections in cerebral palsy children. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2009;45(4):501-6.
Rameckers EA, Speth LA, Duysens J, Vles JS, Smits-Engelsman BC. Botulinum toxin-A in children with congenital spastic hemiplegia does not improve upper extremity motor-related function over rehabilitation alone: a randomized controlled trial. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2009;23(3):218-25.
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Russo RN, Crotty M, Miller MD, Murchland S, Flett P, Haan E. Upper-limb botulinum toxin A injection and occupational therapy in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy identified from a population register: a single-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics. 2007;119(5):e1149-58.
Olesch CA, Greaves S, Imms C, Reid SM, Graham HK. Repeat botulinum toxin-A injections in the upper limb of children with hemiplegia: a randomized controlled trial. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2010;52(1):79-86.
Rameckers EA, Duysens J, Speth LA, Vles HJ, Smits-Engelsman BC. Effect of addition of botulinum toxin-A to standardized therapy for dynamic manual skills measured with kinematic aiming tasks in children with spastic hemiplegia. J Rehabil Med. 2010;42(4):332-8.
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