Performance of quality of life and functional capacity in women with knee osteoarthritis treated with viscosupplementation and strength training
Viscossuplementação, Osteoartrite do Joelho, Treinamento de Resistência, Qualidade de VidaResumo
The viscosupplementation and strength training are interventions accepted in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. Objective: The study describes the effect of two interventions in quality of life and functional capacity. Method: Thirty women diagnosed with bilateral knee osteoarthritis of grade II and III by radiological criteria of Kellgren & Lawrence, were randomized into three groups with ten patients each: VSTF group submitted to viscosupplementation and strength training, TF group submitted only to strength training and VS group submitted only to viscossuplementation. Moments of the study were defined as pre-procedure (PRE), after 48 hours of VS (POS-VS) after 12 weeks of training (POS T) and after eight weeks of detraining (POS D). Quality of life was assessed by the SF-36 BRAZIL, functional capacity by Lequesne index. Intraarticular infiltrations were carried out with a single dose of 6 ml / 48 mg with 6,000,000 kDa Hylan GF-20 and strength training sessions were held for twelve weeks. Results: Strength training and viscosupplementation were effective in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. Both interventions promoted improvements in quality of life and in functional capacity (p < 0.001), with advantage to the groups that trained force. Conclusion: Strength training is a possible replacement of viscosupplementation in the treatment of osteoarthritis of women's knees. However, the beneficial effect of viscosupplementation in pain reduction suggests better efficiency in the strength training execution which may be an advantage of the association of both.
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