Análise comparativa dos resultados funcionais obtidos em 100 artroplastias totais do joelho pela fisioterapia convencional isolada ou associada à movimentação passiva contínua
Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee, Physical TherapyAbstract
Eighty - five patients underwent 100 knee arthroplasties utilizing the condylar-type prosthesis performed between 1991 and 1994 have been analized. The patients were separated in two groups: group I consisted of 44 patients (50 knees) was managed by physical therapy only and the group II of 45 patients (50 knees) submited to physical therapy associated to continuous passive motion (CPM) in order to compare the difference between two rehabilitation protocols. The study compares the time required to obtain 60 degrees of knee f1exion, the length of hospital stay, the percentage of pre and postoperative range of motion and wound healing complications. The results were analysed before discharge and the range of motion was available in three, six, nine and twelve months. The results showed no statistically significant differences between the groups.
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