Avaliação crítica do acompanhamento dos pacientes com bexiga neurogênica e propostas de tratamento


  • Cristiane Hernandes da Silva Hospital Arapiara
  • Eugênio Dumont de Paiva Borges Hospital Arapiara


Spinal Cord Injury, Neurogenic Bladder, Urinary Tract Infection


The objective of this current study is to evaluate the methods of management of patients who are faced with neurogenic bladder problems caused by spinal injury. The number of patients analyzed were 37 of which 26 (70.3%) males and 11 (29.7%) females. Ali of them were inpatients of Arapiara Hospital during the period May 1994 to May 1995. Inspite of the fact that lower urinary tract infections were frequent, we did not observe on any of the patients lügh incidence of other related complications to the urinary tract. The vesical functions were investigated in all of the cases. We did observe the importance of emptying maneuvers (Tapping, Credé, Valsalva) and the intermittent catheterization used as a way of preventing upper urinary tract complications. In view of the poor symptomatology of these patients, we developed a protocol to get a follow-up of spinal cord injury patients with neurogenic bladder problems.


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How to Cite

Silva CH da, Borges ED de P. Avaliação crítica do acompanhamento dos pacientes com bexiga neurogênica e propostas de tratamento. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 1997 Apr. 17 [cited 2024 Jul. 19];4(1):7-13. Available from: https://periodicos.usp.br/actafisiatrica/article/view/102054