A influência do uso de prótese sobre a evolução da cardiopatia isquêmica em pacientes amputados transfemurais


  • Sueli Satie Hamada Jucá
  • Sandra Haddad
  • Alice Ramos Travassos
  • Jean Luc Fobe
  • Jorge Roberto Perrout de Lima
  • Juan Ferraretto


Amputation, Coronary Artery Disease, Exercise, Rehabilitation


The objective of the work was to bring up, from files at AACD, information that perrnits us to study the evolution of the ischemic cardiopathy on patients engaged to the postamputation rehabilitation programo For that, the 116 patients on the matter, were ranked between prosthetic and non prosthetic and with arm ergometric (AE) and inicial positive AE. Among the 116 patients on the matter, only 40 (26 fitted and 14 non fitted with prosthesis) were submitted to a complete cardiological follow-up (inicial and retest AE); the other 76 patients were subrnitted to only the inicial AE. Out of 40 patients with a complete cardiological follow-up, 15 (32,5%) had inicial positive AE for ischernic cardiopathy and 25 (65,5%) out of 40 patients has negative AE, showing a high incidence of the disease among the amputee. The follow-up of the retest results for the 25 patients with inicial nega tive AE permitted the study for instalation of ischemic cardiopathy. In this group (25 patients), 12 patients (48%) presented positive results for the retest. However, an incidence of positive results for the retest is different (p<0.05) among prosthetic patients (35%) and non prosthetic (100%). Talking into consideration the lirnits of this study, it's conc1uded that it exists a great incidence of ischemic cardiopathy on amputated patients and that, probably, the use of prosthesis can reduce the incidence of ischemic cardiopathy on unilateral and bilateral amputated patients as far as the thigh is concerned.


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How to Cite

Jucá SSH, Haddad S, Travassos AR, Fobe JL, Lima JRP de, Ferraretto J. A influência do uso de prótese sobre a evolução da cardiopatia isquêmica em pacientes amputados transfemurais. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 1997 Dec. 23 [cited 2024 Jul. 19];4(3):129-35. Available from: https://periodicos.usp.br/actafisiatrica/article/view/102141