Em busca de evidência para a prática médica diária


  • Andréa Dompieri Furlan University Health Network. The Toronto Hospital




Systematic Reviews, Evidence-based Medicine, Cochrane Collaboration


Physicians don’t have time to keep abreast of medical literature as they need. Besides, medicine has developed very fast and usual practices have been replaced by new ones much more rapidly. What doctors should do when facing clinical problems or queries about treatment effectiveness? Clinicians have many options, and one is search for evidence summarized by literature reviews. However, not all literature reviews are of good methodological quality or reliable. Most of them reflect the author’s personal opinion, and the majority were done without methods. Systematic reviews of the literature have been published lately, where authors pose a specific question and then search the literature to find all evidences in order to answer their questions. A systematic literature review must contain: objectives, methods, methodological quality assessment of each included study, results, conclusions and discussion. Physicians need to have access to this type of literature reviews and they need to learn how to learn their quality. Oxman and Guyatt developed and validated an instrument to assess the quality of systematic reviews. Cochrane Collaboration has developed methods to facilitate the process of doing systematic reviews with minimal bias and personal opinion, therefore it is one of the best sources of high quality systematic reviews.


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How to Cite

Furlan AD. Em busca de evidência para a prática médica diária. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2000 Apr. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];7(1):20-8. Available from: https://periodicos.usp.br/actafisiatrica/article/view/102252