Técnicas de relaxamento no contexto da psicoterapia de pacientes com queixas de dor crônica e fibromialgia: uma proposta
Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, Relaxation, PsychotherapyAbstract
The Relaxation Technics in Psycotherapy for Patients with Cronic Pain: A Proposal of Treatment Written by pschologists working at the psychology service of medical rehabilitation division of Hospital das Clínicas in the Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Brazil, this article is a bibliographic review of chronic pain as a phenomenon. The authors start the paper with chronic pain concept and its psychological and social concequences are presented. Also, a possible relationship between chronic pain and psychosomatic disorders are discussed. In addiction, the authors suggest relaxation trainning during the psychotherapeutic process to patients with chronic pain syndromes as useful ways to promote pain relieve. Through the mental and physical well being provided by these methods, the patient’s quality of life could be increased.
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