Considerations about the process of rehabilitation


  • Livia Borgneth Instituto de Assistência dos Servidores do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



Rehabilitation, Patient Care Team, Disabled Persons


This article proposes a reflection about the concept of rehabilitation that has as an endpoint the social inclusion of the disabled person, and the characteristic of dependency on team work to reach these results. The work in a multiprofessional team and an interdisciplinary approach are fortified, considering the inherent advantages of such work organization to include these patients in the society. It is understood that any team needs a coordination and the rule of team coordinator is reinforced, so that the training of physicians with these skills is a real need. Also, a discussion about the functions of each team member, including the functional diagnosis, the facilitation adaptation of the patient and his family to a new reality, with the realization of their needs and possibilities.


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Tendencies and Reflections

How to Cite

Borgneth L. Considerations about the process of rehabilitation. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2004 Aug. 9 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];11(2):55-9. Available from: