Physiotherapy treatment in hemiplegic shoulder pain in stroke patients: literature review
Stroke, Shoulder Pain, Hemiplegia, PhysiotherapyAbstract
The objective of this study was to review on literature the effect of the physiotherapeutic treatment for hemiplegic shoulder pain. In order to review the literature, articles published from 1997 to 2004 and indexed in: Medline, Lilacs, Pubmed and Cochrane were used. Trials were considered if they included patients of any age with a clinical diagnosis of stroke with hemiplegic shoulder pain in acute or chronic phase, without previous stroke. Sixty-six articles were identified, but only 12 studies met the inclusion criteria. According to the literature reviewed, its possible to suggest that the electric stimulation is the most studied modality and that offers a promising future for the treatment of hemiplegic shoulder pain, however more research with better methodology must be performed.
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