Reliability of two evaluation methods of active range of motion in the ankle of healthy individuals
Goniometry, Range of Motion, Ankle, Reliability, Joint PhysiologyAbstract
The measurement of the range of motion is an important parameter used in physical therapy evaluation and follow up. Thus, the reliability this measurements as well as instruments utilized to this purpose to need be evaluated. Objective: to evaluate and compare the intra-tester and inter-tester reliability of the range of motion measure (ROM) of active ankle dorsiflexion utilizing a universal goniometer and a digital inclinometer. Methods: Two students evaluated the range of dorsiflexion of the 28 volunteers with aged between 18 and 30 years utilized a digital inclinometer and a universal goniometer. Results: The results displayed mean and standard deviation the range of motion the 18.1±3.1 e 18.6±3.8 degrees to the measures obtained for the goniometry and inclinometer, respectability. The intraclass coefficient (ICC) obtained to the intra-session condition to the measures with the inclinometer was the 0.91 to 0.97 for the examiners A and B, respectively. ICC for the goniometry was the 0.91 and 0.97 to the examiners A and B, respectively. The inter-session condition demonstrated moderate reliability to the measures of the goniometry and adequate reliability to the inclinometer measurements. However, the interexaminers reliability was moderate to the measures of the goniometry and high for measures with the inclinometer. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrated the big reliability to the measures of the digital inclinometer when compared with universal goniometry, principle when the inter-examiner was evaluated.
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