Analysis of durability of hamstring stretching effect in two forms of intervention


  • Renata Cristina Magalhães Lima Centro Universitário Newton Paiva
  • Bruna Ferreira Pessoa Centro Universitário Newton Paiva
  • Bruna Letícia Tamietti Martins Centro Universitário Newton Paiva
  • Daniela Bicalho Nogueira de Freitas Centro Universitário Newton Paiva



Stretching, Flexibility, Training, Durability


One of the biggest causes of movement dysfunction is the lack of muscle flexibility, what can interfere in the individual’s functionality. Flexibility can be altered through stretching but the training effects are, in general, transitory – durable increases results of adaptative remodeling and not only for mechanical deformation. Objective: To analyze the durability of the effects of a stretching training program of the hamstrings and verify if it has difference when associated with an electric treadmill (deep warming) before. Methods: Thirteen women and seven men between 18 and 39 years, divided into two groups: stretching (A) and treadmill and stretching (EA), was submitted to a six weeks, five times/week, of active static stretching of the hamstrings with four series of 30s and electric treadmill, only at EA, before the stretching. Measurement of the popliteal angle was made through goniometry in the pre and post training for one month. Results: The groups obtained significant gains (p=0.000), but no have significant difference between them. The decreased of the gains in both groups occurred in the first day post training, returning to the initial measurement in 72 hours. Discussion: The finds suggest that the benefits of the long-term training exists, however when interrupted they stop, and it was impossible to affirm if they occurred because an adaptative remodeling or mechanical deformation. Conclusion: The obtained gain was transitory, but it is necessary to consider that wasn’t functional demand for it remained.


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How to Cite

Lima RCM, Pessoa BF, Martins BLT, Freitas DBN de. Analysis of durability of hamstring stretching effect in two forms of intervention. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2006 Apr. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];13(1):32-8. Available from: