The effect of global postural reeducation technique in a hemiparetic stroke patient
Stroke, Hemiplegia, Body Image, Posture, RehabilitationAbstract
The most evident motor dysfunction in the Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) is hemiparesis. Hemiparetic patients have a tendency to maintain an asymmetric posture. The aim of this study was to evaluate the posture in a hemiparetic stroke patient using the Global Postural Reeducation (GPR) technique. The participant was a right hemiparetic patient due to a CVA that had taken place 5 years before; his cognitive state was good, according to the Mini-Mental State Examination test and he presented moderate motor impairment. The postural evaluation was performed by a computer program, called FisioLogic. The patient underwent a treatment plan comprising ten sessions of GPR technique during eight weeks. Although the treatment was carried out with emphasis on the pelvic inclination and the scapula positioning, the results also showed improvement regarding the support base and, according to the patient, it also improved his balance and gait. We conclude that the GPR technique yielded positive results regarding the posture pattern of the hemiparetic patient.
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