The history of disability, from marginalization to social inclusion: a change in paradigm


  • Kátia Monteiro De Benedetto Pacheco Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina
  • Vera Lucia Rodrigues Alves Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina



Disabled Persons/history, Rehabilitation, Prejudice, Social Environment


The present study aims at providing a more critical analysis of the individuals regarding the existing prejudice against disabled persons. Thus, the historical course of this population is described, pointing out the different attitudes such as marginalization, assistencialism, education, rehabilitation, integration and social inclusion, to better understand the values that are many times reproduced without any critical and rational questioning, as they were passed on to us during the process of socialization. We conclude that when the rehabi-litation process is based on the paradigm of inclusion, it will be more likely for the individual to reflect on the values that the culture presents in relation to the disability and therefore, become an element of change in the social context.


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Tendencies and Reflections

How to Cite

Pacheco KMDB, Alves VLR. The history of disability, from marginalization to social inclusion: a change in paradigm. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2007 Dec. 9 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];14(4):242-8. Available from: