Correlation of balance deficit, motor impairment and functional independence in patients with chronic hemiparesis


  • Eliza Regina Ferreira Braga Machado de Azevedo Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Lydianna Silveira de Macedo Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Marcelo Fabiano Novaes Paraízo Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Telma Dagmar Oberg Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Núbia Maria Freire Vieira Lima Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Enio Walker Azevedo Cacho Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Stroke, Paresis, Musculoskeletal Equilibrium, Movement Disorders, Personal Autonomy


Objective: To verify the correlation between the balance deficit and motor impairment in functional activities of patients with chronic hemiparesis after stroke. Methods: 24 patients with chronic hemiparesis after stroke were selected and evaluated by Functional Independence Measure (FIM), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) and Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA).Results: BBS showed moderate correlation with FIM (r= 0.6457, p= 0.0007), balance section (r= 0.5070, p= 0.0114) and lower limb section of FMA (r= 0.5728, p= 0.0034) and DGI (r= 0.6453, p= 0.0007). The FIM also showed moderate correlation with DGI (r= 0.5449, p= 0.0059) and balance section of FMA (r=0.6107, p=0.0015). However, a weak correlation was observed between the FIM and lower limb section of FMA (r= 0.1515, p= 0.4797). Conclusion: The balance deficit correlated with the functional independence level in chronic hemiparesis. Nevertheless, there was no correlation between the motor impairment and functional independence.


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How to Cite

Azevedo ERFBM de, Macedo LS de, Paraízo MFN, Oberg TD, Lima NMFV, Cacho EWA. Correlation of balance deficit, motor impairment and functional independence in patients with chronic hemiparesis. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2008 Dec. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];15(4):225-8. Available from: