Paracoccidioidomycosis – central nervous system and spinal cord involvement: report case


  • Maria Raquel Ramos Jubé Centro de Reabilitação e Readaptação Dr. Henrique Santillo
  • Caroline Campelo Feres Centro de Reabilitação e Readaptação Dr. Henrique Santillo
  • Gabriela Henrique de Souza Lima Centro de Reabilitação e Readaptação Dr. Henrique Santillo
  • Leonardo Eizo Watanabe Centro de Reabilitação e Readaptação Dr. Henrique Santillo
  • Renato da Silva Faria Centro de Reabilitação e Readaptação Dr. Henrique Santillo
  • Élbio Cândido de Paula Centro de Reabilitação e Readaptação Dr. Henrique Santillo
  • Ana Cristina Ferreira Garcia Centro de Reabilitação e Readaptação Dr. Henrique Santillo



Paracoccidioidomycosis, Paraplegia, Mycoses, Rehabilitation


The paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic granulomatous mycosis, with Brazil being responsible for 80% of the cases reported in the world. Even in endemic zones its incidence is low (3-4 new cases/million up to 1-3 new cases/100 thousand inhabitants per year). We will report the case of a 54 year old woman, from the rural area in the North region of the state of Goiás, Central area of Brazil. During investigation for the medullar compressive syndro-me, a tumor lesion at the thoracic level was identified, submitted to resection, and diagnostically confirmed as neuroparacoccidioi-domycosis in the anatomical pathology analysis. She was admitted for rehabilitation with the diagnosis of T9 Asia B Paraplegia. During her stay, exams were performed (computerized tomography (CT) of the brain and thorax) to investigate the state of other organs. A thorax CT showed an aspect suggesting PCM with micronodules with center-lobular location and some opaqueness in “tree-in-bud” formation with moderate distortion of the pulmonary architecture, in addition to spots of attenuation in “opaque glass” appearance with non-homogeneous distribution. A cranial CT also suggested PCM in an active phase: nodular areas in nuclear-capsule to the left and corresponding thalamus, with reactional edema and important peripheral emphasis. This disease is a public health problem in Brazil due to is incapacitating potential. It is difficult to diagnose, especially when it attacks the CNS, since this is an uncommon manifestation (pulmonary symptoms are most commonly found).


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Case Report

How to Cite

Jubé MRR, Feres CC, Lima GH de S, Watanabe LE, Faria R da S, Paula Élbio C de, et al. Paracoccidioidomycosis – central nervous system and spinal cord involvement: report case. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2009 Mar. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];16(1):46-50. Available from: