Intervention of environmental factors in the life of children with cerebral
Child, Cerebral Palsy, Environment, Quality of Life, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and HealthAbstract
The present study sought to describe the characteristics of the en-vironmental factors that interfere with the daily life of a sampling of children with cerebral palsy (CP) being treated at an early stimulation health clinic using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF). The descriptive study was developed from May to September of 2006. The sampling was made up of 32 children with light to moderate dysfunction who assiduously followed the physiotherapy treatment. Data was collected and grouped by the program called Statistical Package of Social of Science (SPSS). Approximately 70% do not use special medication and a large part need auxiliary equipment to get around. Internal environments are not appropriate for their use. Accessibility to public places presents a barrier of varying intensity. The various types of support come mostly from the family. The great majority does not count on public systems or policies of transportation and education and a large portion depend on government financial support. The ICF has provided a better understanding of children’s functional capacity by favoring a less subjective description of the interference of environmental factors.
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