The quantification of mechanical work as a resource for analysis of postural control


  • Pedro Cláudio Gonsales de Castro Instituto de Medicina Física e Reabilitação HCFMUSP
  • Daniel Boari Coelho Instituto de Medicina Física e Reabilitação HCFMUSP
  • Daniel Gustavo Goroso Instituto de Medicina Física e Reabilitação HCFMUSP
  • José Augusto Fernandes Lopes Instituto de Medicina Física e Reabilitação HCFMUSP
  • Maria Cecília dos Santos Moreira Cecília dos Santos Moreira Instituto de Medicina Física e Reabilitação HCFMUSP



Postural Balance, Biomechanics, Rehabilitation


The study aims to propose two methods for calculating the amount of mechanical work (W) as a resource for analysis of postural control in individuals subject to motor disturbances, visual and / or are in the process of physical rehabilitation. This study addresses the W quantification performed by the muscle after the extension of the trunk to the upright position (self-disturbance) in subjects with preserved vision (VP) and temporary deprivation of vision (PMV) by two methods known as: i) Mechanical Work Total (Wtot) and ii) Mechanical Work of the Center of Mass (WCM). The sample consisted of 10 healthy volunteers, males aged 25,6 (± 2,2) years. Five trials were performed for each volunteer in both conditions. An imaging system for tracking optoelectronic three-dimensional it used to collect data, consisting of 8 video cameras, with a frequency of capture of 200 Hz. The linear regression analysis Wtot and WCM show strong correlation between the two conditions (r2 = 0,77 for the VP condition and r2 = 0,84 for condition PMV) and the Student t test was observed statistically significant differences (p<0,10) in the first attempt among the volunteers with VP and PMV for Wtot during the post-interval disturbance, and differences in WCM the intervals [0,80]ms and [0,100]ms. It was concluded that the methods to calculate Wtot and WCM investigate possible postural control after motor and visual disturbances may be used as a resource in physical rehabilitation.


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How to Cite

Castro PCG de, Coelho DB, Goroso DG, Lopes JAF, Moreira MC dos SMC dos S. The quantification of mechanical work as a resource for analysis of postural control. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2009 Dec. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];16(4):179-85. Available from: