Biofeedback eletromiográfico e parâmetros da dinamometria isocinética de joelho e tornozelo de jogadores de futebol amador


  • Carina Elias Baron Centro de Reabilitação Dr. Bernard Brucker, Centro Universitário Sant’Anna - UniSant’Anna
  • Leonardo Luiz Barretti Secchi Laboratório de Estudo do Movimento do Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia - Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo
  • Júlia Maria D´Andréa Greve Laboratório de Estudo do Movimento do Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia - Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo
  • Vasthi Oliveira de Lima Centro de Reabilitação Dr. Bernard Brucker, Centro Universitário Sant’Anna - UniSant’Anna
  • Viviane Ribeiro Carvalho Centro de Reabilitação Dr. Bernard Brucker, Centro Universitário Sant’Anna - UniSant’Anna


Athletes, Electromyography, Articular Range of Motion, Knee


Electromyography has been used to evaluate the voluntary control of muscular activity. One of the highlights among the techniques is electromyography biofeedback (EMGBio), which works as a facilitator of neuromotor development, including playing sports. Objective: To analyze the effect of EMGBio within the isokinetic parameters of knee flexion and extension and ankle inversion and eversion in amateur soccer players. Subjects: Two randomized groups of fourteen male amateur soccer players: Training group (TG) – seven athletes, with an age of 23 ± 2 (22 and 28) years old, body mass 75.7kg ± 4.0kg (72 and 80), height 182cm ± 4cm (176 and 188) and Control Group (CG) – seven athletes, with an age of 24 ± 2 (21 and 28) years old, body mass 72.3kg ± 9.4kg (59 and 79), height 175cm ± 5cm (169 and 180). Methods: all athletes were evaluated by a clinical protocol: anamnesis, occurrence of injuries and visual analogue scale of pain and were subjected to knee flexion and extension and ankle inversion and eversion isokinetic dynamometry. The training group had twelve sessions of EMGBio once a week. At the end of the sessions, all athletes were revaluated. Results: At a velocity of 30 deg/s, the ankle eversion peak torque of 0.18 seconds (PT of 0.18s) was higher in the training group and at a velocity of 60 deg/s, the knee flexion PT of 0.18s was higher in the training group. Conclusion: Electromyographic biofeedback improved the isokinetic parameters of the amateur soccer players.


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How to Cite

Baron CE, Secchi LLB, Greve JMD, Lima VO de, Carvalho VR. Biofeedback eletromiográfico e parâmetros da dinamometria isocinética de joelho e tornozelo de jogadores de futebol amador. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2010 Dec. 9 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];17(4):159-63. Available from: