Stress in rehabilitation: the general adaptation syndrome and the adaptation of the individual to the reality of the disability


  • Maria Inês Orsoni Chagas Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina



Stress, Disability, Psychological Resilience, Rehabilitation, Adaptation


The aim of this article is to explore the idea of human beings having in their DNA, their ancestral heritage, the capacity to adapt to drastic changes that may occur in their lives. Such a capacity enables them to survive in difficult situations, such as disabling sequelae. In addition to this, if we consider resilience as the capacity to resist and overcome adversity there may come a resumption of development as well as an improvement in quality of life of individuals despite the sequelae.


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Tendencies and Reflections

How to Cite

Chagas MIO. Stress in rehabilitation: the general adaptation syndrome and the adaptation of the individual to the reality of the disability. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2010 Dec. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];17(4):193-9. Available from: