Gait analysis of a cerebral palsy patient submitted to electrical stimulation of the anterior and lateral compartments of the leg
Cerebral Palsy, Equinus Deformity, Electrical Stimulation, Gait, Oxygen ConsumptionAbstract
Children with upper motor neuron injuries have challenging functional deficits. Their gait deviations are a consequence of spasticity, persistent primitive locomotor patterns, poor selective motor control and impaired proprioception. The objective of this study is to show the benefits of electrical stimulation on gait patterns of patients with cerebral palsy through gait analysis and cardiopulmonary exercise test. Methods: patient from Neuro-Orthopedic group of IOT HC-FMUSP, female, 24 years old, student, cerebral palsy with spastic diplegia, communitarian ambulation and flac-cid bilateral equinus foot. Gait analysis equipment: HAWK, Motion Analysis Corporation. Metabolic analyzer: CPX-D, Medgraphics, USA. Electrical stimulator: EEF-4, Lynx Tecnologia. Electrical stimulation using 20Hz, ON/OFF 5sec/10sec, 40min, 3 times a week for 1.5 months on anterior and lateral leg muscles. Results: in swing phase, before stimulus, right and left ankle dorsiflexion = 2.12º and -0.17º, respectively. 1.5 months after last stimulus, right and left ankle dorsiflexion = 7.54º and 5.31º, respectively. Cardiopul-monary analysis: improvement in exercise tolerance of 194%, 50% in O2P, 17% in VO2 and energetic economy of 22% of HR. Conclusion: leg's electrical stimulation may be responsible for cinematic improvements not only of the ankles but all lower limbs, influencing gait patterns and cardiopulmonary conditions of patients with cerebral palsy.
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