Factors associated with the functional independence of elderly residents in long-term institutions
Aged, Geriatric Assessment, Homes for the AgedAbstract
The objective here was to study the profile of functional independence of older adults in a long term institution, through the associations be-tween sociodemographic variables (age, gender, education, and time of institutionalization) and clinical variables (reasons for hospitaliza-tion, medication, number of diseases, and diagnoses), checking for im-pact on functional independence in accordance with the FIM scoring (functional independence measure) in terms of motor, cognitive, social, and total. We conducted a quantitative clinical study – a descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional, retrospective research using indirect sources of data (patient charts) in July and August of 2010 in a long-term in-stitution for the elderly in São Paulo. The greatest degree of functional dependence was found to be associated with older women, those 80 years and older, those with less than 8 years of education, those who have 37 to 47 months of institutionalization, and those who were insti-tutionalized by the will of their families. Also those that have between seven and nine diseases, for which at least 15 medications are taken, and those who suffer from neoplasms. It was concluded that further studies should be conducted so as to increase knowledge and clarity about the association of the institutionalization of the elderly popula-tion with the factors concerning functional independence.
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