Daily life activities group: the influence of the procedure in ischemic stroke adult patients
Occupational Therapy, Stroke, Activities of Daily Living, RehabilitationAbstract
Strokes affect people’s daily lives because they create difficulties in many functional aspects of the individual’s daily life. Occupational therapists can intervene with stroke patients by trying to decrease their acquired limitations. Treatment can be done individually or in groups where experiential interchange is possible. This study sought to analyze the progress in the various Daily Life Activities (DLAs) of ischemic stroke patients. Ten patients were included in the study and were evaluated before and after the intervention using two different scales: the HAQ (Health Assessment Questionnaire) and the FAQ (Functional Activities Questionnaire). The Wilcoxon statistic test was used to analyze data with p ≤ 0.05. Analysis of results revealed statistical differences for both scales between the two analyzed moments (HAQ p=0.001 and FAQ p=0.0117). The study showed the effectiveness of the procedure on the progress of the DLAs for a group of subjects suffering from chronic ischemic EVA by measuring the functional gains shown in the HAQ and FAQ, but larger studies are necessary to allow more generalized conclusions.
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