Performance of insured workers in the rehabilitation service at the National Institute for Social Security
Workers, Rehabilitation, Vocational, Social WelfareAbstract
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of insured workers who participated in the vocational rehabilitation program from the INSS (National Institute of Social Security) in Porto Alegre/RS. Method: We selected all of the insured workers participating in the vocational rehabilitation process during the year of 2008 in Porto Alegre/RS at INSS. Through the Administration System for Disability Benefits and the National Register of Social Information, all information was collected regarding the benefits and vocational rehabilitation program. The data was tabulated using SPSS 17.0 for Windows in which all tests were made. Results: The results showed that 553 (69%) of the insured were men and 249 (31%) were women. Their ages ranged from 18 to 60 years with an average of 38.9 years. Initially, 645 (80.4%) were employed and 157 (19.6%), unemployed. One year after the end of the rehabilitation program, 29.4% of the insured were working. While 40.6% of those employed had returned to work, 76.7% of the unemployed had not. Those on leave for accidents at work returned 58.7% of the time, and also 29.6% of those on sick leave. Those who remained on leave for one year had a success rate of 72.4%, and those with more than five years 24.7%. Conclusion: Those who remained employed, went on sick leave for a shorter time, and were rehabilitated within the company enjoyed a higher rate of return to work than those who became unemployed, were off work for a longer time, and whose company did not offer them another job.
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