Effect of lateral dominance on manual dexterity in people with Down syndrome
Child, Motor Skills, Hand, Down SyndromeAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the effect of lateral dominance on manual dexterity in a group of children and adolescents with Down syndrome (DS) and to compare the results from participants with DS with people without the syndrome. Method: The study included 100 children and adolescents of both sexes with ages ranging from 7 to 9 years and 14 to 15 years. 50 people were diagnosed with DS (GDS) and 50 without the syndrome (GC). The Box and Blocks Test (BBT) was used because it allows assessment of motor activity by counting the number of blocks transferred between two divisions of a standard box. The BBT implementation is simple and does not require complex cognitive skills. Results: The number of blocks transferred per minute was lower in participants of GDS than the GC, with a clear disadvantage for manual dexterity in both hands. There was no effect of dominance in the GDS, but the GC showed better performance on the dominant side. Conclusion: The BBT was useful for the quantification of manual dexterity in people with DS as it is easy to apply and understand by people with cognitive impairment.
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